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This is a good place to start if you are new to the service or you are interested in giving us a try.

Feed Donkeys feed column builder interface gives you a lot of options and flexibility.

Take a couple of minutes to watch this video explaining how Feed Donkey can help you to take control of your data feeds.

2-minute video introduction

Data Processing vs Mapping

Feed Donkey hands you an extensive toolkit for data manipulation. As a retailer you don’t always hold data in exactly the form that is best for you to serve to a range of external sales channels.

We give you the control you need to get the optimum value from your products and services.

Best of all – the magic happens in the background – set it and forget it.

Set Filters to Your Record Set

Use the easy builder, you are in complete charge of both your feed column data and the product records that are included.

Configure Alerts

Your marketing performance relies on robust and highly available systems.

You can trust Feed Donkey to work hard in supporting your goals.

If something goes wrong we can let you know in double-quick time.